Global Ethics & Standards

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Safety & Training Standards

At SOC, we are always looking to support our employees in their career development to enhance their expertise, diversification and leadership capabilities. Not only does this encourage our employees to advance to their highest potential, it supports our values of Safety, Diversity, Integrity, and Success, helping SOC remain an agile and successful organization for our customers. As we work toward our goals of enrichment and customer focus, we provide the highest levels of training, working to improve industry standards in safety, diversity, ethics and compliance, technology, security, intelligence and mission support solutions. An example of our commitment to assist our employees is the Tuition Reimbursement Program available to provide tuition fees for approved coursework. In support of ethics and compliance, our focus is to provide employees with ongoing training and information to comply with Federal Acquisition Regulation [FAR] 52.203-13 (Contractor Code of Business Ethics and Conduct), export regulations, anti-corruption laws, and working within host country laws. This includes in-person training on our Code of Ethics and other issues specific to U.S. Government contracting, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Compliance, and Export Controls, and Procurement Integrity. 

We implement rigorous quality controls and provide ongoing professional training of personnel, incorporating strict industry standards in compliance with Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) 18001. Our unyielding commitment to maintaining a strong safety culture is continued through SOC’s Safety 24/7 Program and membership of the National Safety Council, an approach that aims to benefit employee safety in the workplace, on the road, and at home. Above all, we place safety and security first, in all aspects of our business.

Ethical Standards

SOC’s ethics and compliance efforts are led by our Company’s executive management team, dedicated ethics program staff, and the commitment of our employees. SOC conducts routine audits of the financial, compliance, and operational aspects of its business through our internal audit function and third parties as needed. 

SOC maintains a written Code of Ethics  and Standards of Business Conduct, provides regular training – both in-person and online -- on compliance topics important to our business.  We offer multiple avenues, including the worldwide Company Ethics Help Line (877-319-0270) and online at for any employee, business partner, or other stakeholder to raise questions, concerns, or complaints in good faith. 

We are a member of the Defense Industry Initiative, through our parent company, Day & Zimmermann and are a Charter signatory to the International Code of Conduct (ICoC) for Private Security Providers. As an operator in high risk, complex environments, SOC acknowledges our commitment to the preservation of Human Rights it is a member in good standing with the International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA) and it complies with the American National Standards Institute’s (ANSI) Management System for Quality of Private Security Company Operations (ANSI PSC.1-2012) requirements.

ANSI Letter of Commitment

Code of Ethics

Our Code of Ethics is also available to download in ArabicHindi, and Spanish.

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SOC Ethics Help Line and Grievance Mechanism:

Unclassified Toll-free Ethics Help Line: 877-319-0270

SOC maintains a worldwide toll-free Company Ethics Help Line to report suspected illegal or unethical behavior by or within the company. This Help Line is available for employees, business partners, subcontractors, or other third party stakeholders to raise concerns about the actions of SOC, its operations, its employees, or its business partners to ensure that they are acting consistently with SOC’s Ethical standards, relevant laws and regulations, and specifically to our commitments to the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Contractors.  This Help Line also serves at the primary Grievance Mechanism for any party to raise concerns about SOC’s operations. Reports and concerns may be made anonymously. 

Suspected violations can also be reported online at this unclassified site.

Whistle Blower Policy

All inquiries will be handled as soon as possible. By providing your contact information you are agreeing to be contacted by an SOC or Day & Zimmermann employee. Please do not use these forms for classified, confidential, sensitive or personal information, other than what is necessary for us to contact you. If you are contacting us from outside the United States, please do not use these forms or provide personal information, instead, please contact your local SOC or Day & Zimmermann office or representative.


For more information on SOC’s Ethics and Compliance Program, or to report a related concern or grievances, you may also contact SOC directly


Global Trafficking Hotline

As part of our commitment to combat and end Global Trafficking of Persons, we also make available to employees and others to use the hotline phone number for the Global Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-844-888-FREE and if they suspect or witness any forms of illegal trafficking in the areas where we conduct business.

We have a strict zero tolerance policy against retaliation. 

Both methods of reporting are confidential and there will be no retributions or reprisals for reporting, raising questions, concerns, or registering complaints toward a suspected violation in good faith. 

Neither SOC, nor employees, will retaliate against any employee who discloses to governmental officials, Inspectors General, Members of Congress, or to the Legal Department or Ethics Office, information that the employee reasonably believes is evidence of fraud, gross waste, mismanagement, abuse of authority, or violations of law related to U.S. government contracts, grants, or funds; or evidence of a substantial and specific danger to public health and safety.

Code of Conduct

SOC is a transitional member of the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers Association (ICoCA), which sets global standards for the private security industry.

Read the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Contractors.

As an ICoCA Transitional Member, SOC is enabled with full participatory and voting rights in the ICoCA. In fact, SOC is founding signatory to the Code, as a key participant in the multi-stakeholder process that resulted in the Code of Conduct. This included a multilateral pact sponsored and supported by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and several governments. In addition, SOC participated in discussions led by the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Government of Switzerland which resulted in the Montreux Document.

As an operator in high risk, complex environments, we acknowledge our commitment to the preservation of Human Rights and compliance with ANSI quality management standards for Private Security Companies (PSC. 1 –2012). 

Defense Industry Initiative on Business Ethics and Conduct

With significant business in the defense sector, SOC, as a Day & Zimmermann Company, is an active member of the Defense Industry Initiative on Business Ethics and Conduct (DII). DII is a nonprofit association of responsible U.S. defense companies committed to conducting business affairs at the highest ethical level and in full compliance with the law. Through regular meetings and conferences, members share information and best practices on the latest issues in ethics and compliance, as well as provide training on how to comply with contracting laws both at home and abroad.

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Transparency International's Defense Companies Anti-Corruption Index

SOC, as a Day & Zimmermann Company, for the second time in a row, received an ‘A’ ranking from Transparency International's Defense Companies Anti-Corruption Index.  D&Z is one of 17 companies to receive an A ranking in Internal and Public Information based on this assessment which in 2015 assessed the ethics and anti-corruption programs of 163 defense companies from 47 countries around the world.