Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Solutions
Within our family of Day & Zimmermann Companies, collectively, we understand the complex infrastructure needs and risks, when working in remote, austere, and at times, high threat areas —we have been operating in those environments for decades.
Our experienced team provides world class expertise and capabilities by offering a full suite of tailored turnkey solutions, from the design phase to implementation to sustainment. SOC is an O&M industry leader in program operations, maintenance, security, procurement/supply chain management, transportation, Host Nation Sustainment, Tactical Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO), logistics support, training, and fire and emergency services.
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Tactical Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO)
Through our critical aviation maintenance planning and execution, technician staffing, maintenance priorities and pre-flight readiness inspections, we have more than 20 years of experience providing extensive no-fail Systems Readiness & Sustainment services to the Air Force and Navy aviation fleets, including Army rotary wing platforms OH-58, CH-47, AH-64, & H-60. While successfully serving a variety of government customers including the Department of Defense, Army, Navy, Air Force and other U.S. Federal Agencies, we provide:
- Tactical Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO)
- Host Nation Sustainment, Logistics, and Training
- Organizational, Intermediate, & Depot Level Maintenance
- Depot Service Including Modifications and Upgrades
- Deployable Contractor Field Teams
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Supporting the Evolving Needs in Ukraine and Surrounding European Countries
SOC is supporting the Mission in Ukraine with teams, resources, supply channels, and requirements in place — also in-country. We have forward-operating teams with offices, housing, staff, and supply chains in strategic locations of Ukraine—positioned to support the ongoing mission-critical needs, as a one-stop resource with seamlessly integrated solutions. We have relationships with local business partners in-country/in-region.
Currently providing logistics services moving materials, supplies, and mission-critical resources into Ukraine. We have been supporting the U.S. National Security Mission on thousands of projects, in more than 170 countries. We have strong working knowledge in Eastern Europe, having supported and designed a number of U.S. Government Facilities in numerous countries across Europe, including designing of the U.S. Embassy Compound in Ukraine.
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Logistics Support
In support of our clients, we have provided a robust logistics models (Internal and External), supply networks and infrastructure that span the globe. SOC’s capabilities have delivered a cost-conscious, flexible, and innovative approach to supply chain management, contingency operations, air transportation, fleet transportation, vehicle maintenance, and local procurement. Our logistics management program is grounded in firm adherence to ITAR, legal compliance, and quality standards.

Facility and Installation Operations and Maintenance
SOC is an O&M industry leader in Program Operations, Maintenance, Explosives Operations, Security, Transportation, and Fire and Emergency Services. Our customers call on us to deliver the very best power, mechanical, Information Technology and electrical systems available; in addition to other basic necessities such as water, fuel, waste, warehousing, and communications.

SOC has developed and maintained a wide range of operational training programs proving training for more than 5000 personnel per year in both CONUS and OCONUS locations.
- Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance
- Explosives and Munition Handling
- Transportation
- Security and Weapons Platforms
- Anti-Terrorism and Force Protection
- Safety and Environmental Compliance
- Fire and Emergency Services
- Host Nation Sustainment, Logistics, and Training

Demilitarization Operations and AA&E Management
SOC has delivered the highest level of assurance for demilitarization of Arms, Ammunition and Explosives (AA&E). With 40 years’ experience managing a wide portfolio of munitions, SOC brought unmatched capabilities for demil and disposal of Class 5 Munitions and materiel. We have expertly managed critical demil operations and facilitation and equipment requirements for all Munitions Items Disposition Action System (MIDAS) families, and ensured high-quality services using our ISO 9001-certified quality management system.
SOC demiled approximately 80,000 tons of munitions with an exceptional record of safety, using only environmentally responsible and approved disposal processes. The result was one of the most R3 (resource, recovery, and recycle) ammunition storage and demilitarization programs in the world.
SOC was the operating contractor for the U.S. Army’s largest storage and demilitarization facility (226 Square Miles).
Portfolio & Experience
With diverse teams of professionals from around the world, our purpose is to ensure that our customers are free to reach their highest working potential regardless of the threat profile.