Portfolio & Experience

40 Years of O&M Services for Army Joint Munitions Command at Largest Global Demilitarization Complex

For 40 years, SOC was the operating contractor for the U.S. Army’s facility with the largest capability for premier R3 (resource, recovery, and recycle) ammunition storage and demilitarization in the world. SOC successfully managed ordnance operations including demilitarization of conventional ammunition, ammunition supply and storage operations, with facility support services, environmental services, program management, and security, installation security, fire and emergency services at this Government-Owned Contractor-Operated (GOCO) facility supporting Army Joint Munitions Command. While operating with a strong safety record and using an environmentally responsible disposal processes, SOC safely demilitarized more than 80,000 tons of ammunition, since 2010. SOC’s security personnel were integrated with the customer to secure ammunition in an area spanning over 200 square miles, consisting of nearly 500 administrative, production, and maintenance facilities. For more than four decades, SOC was the M&O contractor providing munitions operations, base operations, equipment management, environment, safety and health, technical security and security systems monitoring, and protective services. 


  • Security
  • Operations & Maintenance


  • Infrastructure & Logistics