A major change is coming to drastically alter international air cargo standards on June 30, 2021. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) revised the air cargo security standard to include passenger aircraft and cargo transported on all-cargo aircraft. Because of this change, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is requiring all outbound international air cargo carried by commercial aircraft operators (passenger and all-cargo) to have enhanced security controls.

SOC is currently working as a trusted industry partner to all who seek to implement solutions before the deadline next month.

"With this change fast approaching, airlines are in critical need of qualified partners like us to help navigate and standup their large scale ability to screen cargo for explosives— not to mention in record timing.” states Dave Doehler, Deputy Director, SOC Canine Training. "Because of our strong success and long history working in some of the toughest environments in the world, we can confidently deliver full scale cargo screening operations under this tight deadline. As the most agile and experienced canine provider around, we simply exceed the quality standards and efficiencies of our competitors," he adds.

3PK Horizontal Cargo Search

SOC is a TSA Certified Cargo Screening Facility (CCSF-K9) with TSA-approved teams ready to deploy.  Our quality Explosive Detection Canine (EDC) teams will be used to screen cargo under TSA’s Third Party Canine Program. We bring a higher level of proven success to the industry in canine search and detection capabilities. Each SOC Canine is a finely calibrated team member capable of extraordinary detection.

As a canine cargo screening provider and leader in the canine industry, SOC has set the highest standard with stringent operating procedures for canine operations, including: Canine Management & Record Keeping, Transportation & Mobile or Travel Housing, Healthcare & Husbandry Standards, Population Management, Housing Standards & Operations, Trauma Management & Emergency First Aid, Emergency Response Planning, Canine Training, Physical Conditioning Programs, Transitioning and Retirement. These sections can be modified or deleted as required by the client.

While most Certified Cargo Screening Facilities (CCSFs) utilize more standard technology such as X-ray devices, Explosive Trace Detection (ETD), and Electronic Metal Detection to locate explosive devices, such technologies are not able to detect explosive compounds in large, oversized shipments. In using these technologies, shipments employ a more time consuming process requiring disassembly and reassembly during routine cargo screenings—which can be extremely inefficient and slows down commerce.

"This change is about safety and protecting human life. Canines by far surpass any technology or machine currently known to man in their ability to detect trace odors, with up to 300 million olfactory receptors,” adds Doehler. “Our dogs have the amazing ability to detect trace odors, bringing an enhanced detection capability and efficiency to the CCSF process."

Learn more about SOC's cargo screening capabilities here.

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